I ventured out into the Arctic climes to photograph Beaumont during the historic snow storm we experienced on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Beaumont became Snowmont and we had temperatures in the greater Golden Triangle area that were lower than Fairbanks, Alaska. This truly was a once in a lifetime event for our area.
I am offering digital images and 11x17 prints of my images for sale for a limited time. If you are interested in purchasing any of my photographs simply follow the instructions below:
If you would like a digital prints sent to your e-mail in a folder through GOOGLE DRIVE please provide me with your e-mail address and phone number. Each digital print is $30 and should be downloded to the device of your choosing upon arrival. Once I have received payment through VENMO or PAYPAL I, and you have choosen your prints, I will remove my watermark and send you the digital image. If you desire to purchase all 14 images I will sell them for $20 each for a total of $280.00. My VENMO is @Jerome-Cabeen, my PAYPAL can be found by entering my name or my e-mail jeromecabeen@yahoo.com in the PAYPAL search window.
If you would like to purchase hard 11 x 17 copy prints ready to be framed I will deliver them to your home, place of work or a location of your designation as long as you live in the Golden Triangle area. Each 11 x 17 print is $50 unless you decide to purchase all 14 prints, then I will sell them for $40 each for a total of $560.00. If I have to mail the prints to you there will be an additional charge of $7.00 for each print to cover the cost of shipping. As above, once i have received comfirmation of payment and the prints you wish to purchase, I will remove my watermark, print and sign the image and secure it in a shipping envelope. I will need your e-mail, phone number and if you desire the print to be mailed, your physical address. My VENMO is @Jerome-Cabeen, my PAYPAL can be found by entering my name or my e-mail jeromecabeen@yahoo.com in the PAYPAL search window.
Please contact me through FACEBOOK Messenger, e-mail (jeromecabeen@yahoo.com), or text message at (832) 276-3564.
No art exchanges
Thank you!!!
